A "spiritual bouquet" is a group of prayers gathered together for a particular intention. The idea is that each prayer is like a flower and that the group is like a bouquet mystically offered as a gift to God for a particular intention. Those who participate promise a certain amount of prayers and devotions for the intention and then the list is compiled and given to the person whose intentions are being remembered in prayer. As a way to express our love for our beloved mothers, we will be having a Mother’s Day Novena. For nine masses, starting Mother’s Day, the masses will be dedicated to mothers, grandmothers, godmothers, mothers-in-law, expectant mothers, or any woman who has played a motherly role in our lives. You can remember any dear mother, living or deceased by using one of the envelopes in the pews. All you have to do is write their names, include a donation and drop the envelope in the collection basket. We will place all the envelopes by the altar during the novena.
You can also offer novena masses online by clicking here.